
Due to some reasons, there will be a change in my blog. Language. I think it’s time to go international, eh? :p
Change will be made ASAP. Thx. 🙂

I’m Back!

Well, 3 months since my last post. Job n thesis eats all of my time, lol… So many things happened. Outline, broken Macbook — the worst one 😦 , and my new job. I formerly known as a graphic designer in a Digital Printing company for two years, and now i’ve been hired by an Advertising Company called PD. Makmur.

PD Makmur is an ads company that provide ad space, neonbox, and pedestrian bridge in Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia. I’ve been hired as a visual communicator (cool form of ‘graphic designer’ :P).

PD Makmur logo. Designed by me 🙂

Here is some of the billboard.

Ta da! 🙂

Billboard, Soekarno-Hatta street, Kubu Raya.

Photos above are billboards in Kubu Raya. There’s more to go. Maybe later I’ll make a dedicated post for billboard.

Not only billboard, my company is providing other ad spaces too. Neonbox, videotron (megatron), n pedestrian bridge. Here i bring u some of them, picture of them i mean.

Videotron plan in Pontianak, Kapuas Frontriver

Neonbox plan. Ahmad Yani street.

Of course, these spaces are for rent! Call me soon! Any media accepted. 🙂

Email: or  PD Makmur email:

Twitter: @iQbaladiyat or PD Makmur  @MakmurMedia

HP: ask me

For further information, I’ll post it as soon as possible. This is just for my comeback, not selling spaces. Haahaha.. 😀


Iqbal Adiyat.

Ogi & Sastri – Wedding Invitation (Violet)

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i think i have heard so many voice that want me to post some wedding invitation here. i knew it, i knew you’re all going to wed. one by one plz! :p so for this time, i gave y’all a violet wedding invitation.

I dunno why, there’s so many people asking me about this invitation. it sounds like they love its design (while i’m not really into that, but i think this one is cool). This is my brother wedding invitation. I made it for their reception in Sintang. The design was originally requested by them (bride n groom i mean). This is the killer feature. Lol. They also want to add some tulip flavor inside. Well, that’s a perfect match, i think.

Enjoy the invitation design. I’ll post another one soon.

Cheers. 🙂

Annual Book SMA 1 Pontianak

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it happened a few months ago. i got a ‘friend project’ (a project i got from a friend, with ‘friend price’ too, of course, n unfortunately.haha..)to help him make an Annual Book of a High School in Pontianak, SMA N 1. Exclusively just 2 classes (can’t accept more,he.. :P). IPA 1 n IPS 1. Anyone?

For IPA 1, ‘puzzle’ is on the paper. Why? I dunno, i just want it. Any questions? No? Good. Next, for IPS 1, i play with the ‘paint splat’. Its more fun, i could possibly fit every picture into every little detail of paint splatter. And of course it leads to great design too :P.

Actually, i never saw the book or final result of my design. hahaha..

For this post, i give you two of many pictures. Got some laziness rite now,hehe.. For more pict, ask me. 🙂

Poster in-secure Cam

sekitar abis UTS gitu kmaren, aku dapet tugas matakuliah Teknik Antar Muka. tugasnya buat aplikasi yang kira2 ngubungin software sama hardware gitu. sdikit out of the box, aku coba ngambil topik untuk platform android (temen2 lain pada pake delphi smua). tujuan pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah mengubungkan device android dengan ip camera yg ada, agar qta bisa memantau ruangan yg sudah dipasangi IP camera dengan hanya menggunakan device android.

sedikit nekat emang klo liat topik yang diambil, tapi alhamdulillah aplikasi ini berhasil aku buat walopun masih belum sempurna banget. jadi yang dilakuin aplikasi ini adalah memanggil alamat ip camera dengan web view. berhubung ip camera yg digunakan tidak mendukung format mjpeg, jadi yg bsa dilakukan saat ini adalah memanggil gambar statis dari ip camera kemudian merefreshnya setiap jangka waktu tertentu. mungkin postingan berikutnya aku akan kasih tutorial dikit buat bikin app ni, kalo ada request la..:D

special credit untuk teman skelompokku, dedi n qq. 😀


Goodie Bag APKASI

mungkin kemaren teman-teman pas lewat daerah Kubu Raya ada yg liat banner, baliho, spanduk, ato smacamnya lah soal APKASI ni. tau APKASI tu apaan..? semacam asosiasi dimana seluruh kepala daerah kabupaten bersatu (halah bahasanya :P), n kmaren giliran kabupaten kubu raya yg dapat kehormatan menggelar Rakernas (rapat kerja nasional) n munaslub (musyawarah nasional luar biasa) APKASI ini.

nah, saya kebagian order ndesain goodie bag untuk aksesoris APKASI itu..kebetulan desain ini juga jadi desain utama yang dipake buat semua media, mulai dari banner, billboard, baliho, sampe liputan di koran pun ada make desain ini. emang bukan saya yg ndesain smuanya, tapi akar desainnya ya dari goodie bag ini. buat postingan kali ni, saya kasih desain untuk bagian depan goodie bag. yg dipake emg bukan desain ini, tapi ada sedikit perubahan warna aja. tapi saya pribadi lbih suka dengan dsain yang ni. enjoy!

Billboard (ndak jadi) Dies Natalis Untan 52

pas udah mau dkat acarany, baru deh dpt order desain ni billboard..y udah, aku bantu lah hasil,tau nya malah ga dipake, diganti sama desain dari mreka..honestly, aku g tau np desain aku malah sama skali ga dipake (kalo dibandingin sama desain yg akhirnya dicetak). enjoy desainnya.. 🙂

Royal Wedding


Sumpah,ni cuma iseng koq.. 😀

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Wisuda Untan Maret 2011


Untuk ketiga kalinya, dapat order desain backdrop buat wisuda kampus sendiri, tapi tetap jak blom bise ikutan.. T_T

Selamat buat teman-teman yang wisuda hari ini, semoga sukses kedepannya. Doain saya segera nyusul 🙂

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Undangan Nikah Ogi & Sastri


Ni ad desain undngan,hasil karya aq,bwt abg kandung sendiri…ni bwt acra yg d ptk..tema warna nya ijo monokrom..
Konsep undanganny nyampurin unsur formal n unsur anak muda..bagian formalny dpt dliat d bgian dlam sblah kanan..utk yg unsur anak muda,bsa dliat lh dbagian ap..he..
Vektor kertas koyak tu hsil donlod dari internet,tpi aq yakin itu gratisan jd smoga jk ndx brmsalah kdpannya..
Logo perusahaan mobil pada denah lokasi tu hak cipta masing2 prusahaan,saye cuma make biar org ngerti lokasi resepsi ny dmn..sape tw gak kan saye dikasih nissan march sme nissan gare2 promosiin merk ny..hhaha..chevy spark pun boleh..hehe..
Konsep undngannya mmbuka ke kanan,jd g kayak undngan konvensional yg mmbuka ny dri kiri..ini ide dri abg aq sndri..
File yg aq upload ni file draft cetak,jd maklum jk ye klo ad ukuran sgale..hehe..

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